

Newsteo raised over €2.1 million

Newsteo is financing its growth with over €2.1 million raised with CM-CIC Capital Privé and Bpifrance in order to boost its international expansion.   As an innovative French company, Newsteo has been developing solutions for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) since 2005 by inventing and designing its own connected sensors. Its hardened wireless systems are [...]

2017-09-25T14:22:16+02:0011 September 2017|Categories: Allgemein|

Press Release Vialto – Newsteo

Vialto and Newsteo are proud to announce that they have deployed a reliable and unrivalled temperature traceability solution for temperature-controlled transport of health-related products.   Newsteo, the precursor of the Industrial Internet of Things‎ (IIoT), a French designer and manufacturer of connected sensors, and Vialto, the French leader in healthcare products logistics, developed the Vialto [...]

2021-05-31T13:49:09+02:004 April 2017|Categories: Pressemitteilung|

Newsteo at International Industrial Meeting

On 15 December 2016, Newsteo will participate to the International Industrial Meetings in Marseille. The objectives of these international meetings: establishing or strengthening business relationships, identifying new opportunities abroad, increasing contacts and meeting regional and foreign clients on key industrial sectors in the Provence Alpes Côte d ‘Azur. Registrations closed

2017-07-03T09:09:39+02:001 Dezember 2016|Categories: Event|

Wireless Monitoring in Strasbourg

The Newsteo wireless sensors used by Soldata at the Strasbourg civil hospital.   SOLDATA - JUNE 2016     During the construction of the building intended to house the Strasbourg Public Administration and the Center for Intellectual Property within the site of the Strasbourg Civil Hospital, the appearance of defects on the concrete structure caused [...]

2017-05-30T21:30:17+02:0029 November 2016|Categories: News|

Meet Newsteo at Riverdating

On November 9th, 2016, meet Newsteo at Riverdating, the appointment of European players of the inland waterways and multimodal transport. Newsteo is always present in innovative solutions for transport. River transport is booming as an alternative to more traditional modes of transport, especially road transport. Less polluting, with a interesting value, it allows serving many [...]

2017-05-30T21:30:22+02:007 November 2016|Categories: Event|

Newsteo celebrates its 11th anniversary…

... and launches its new website. We are delighted to announce the launch. We hope that you will enjoy browsing our new website and that you will visit it regularly to keep you informed on our products and innovations. You can also subscribe to our newsletter (see bottom of page) or follow us on social networks. [...]

2017-01-17T17:39:39+01:007 Oktober 2016|Categories: Event|
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