Newsteo has obtained accreditation from Cofrac for calibration, in accordance with standard NF EN ISO/IEC 17025, 2017 version
ollowing an audit carried out in May 2019, Cofrac, (The French Accreditation Committee) announced today that Newsteo has obtained its accreditation for calibration of the temperature measuring chain in accordance with standard NF EN ISO/IEC 17025, version 2017 (Accreditation no. 2-6637, made available online at www.cofrac.fr).
Cofrac is the french equivalent of the british UKAS
“The use and evolution of technology requires measurements that are increasingly complex and reliable. Regulations, and the needs of our customers, lead us to control and constantly improve our measuring processes and monitoring devices. With this in mind, the 2017 version of the NF EN ISO 17025 standard represents an international reference for the recognition of the technical and organisational skills of calibration and testing labs.
This accreditation demonstrates the robustness of our calibration methods and our ability to provide relevant results. It’s therefore a guarantee for our customers in France and in Europe, to whom we can now provide Calibration certificates and Verification certificates under our Cofrac accreditation”,
as Lionel Giorgi, Newsteo Director of Metrology and Quality, and former Metrology Officer for EFS (French Blood Agency) points out.

Always demanding higher quality.
Given that accreditation is based on the latest version of the standard, dating from 2017, customers are therefore assured that they benefit from the most recent requirements, in particular in terms of confidentiality and impartiality.
The initial accreditation will be supplemented by yearly audits performed by independent auditors mandated by the Cofrac. This is yet again a guarantee of quality for our customers, who are certain that the quality and technical processes set up by Newsteo will be maintained over time.
With the Cofrac accreditation, Newsteo establishes its reputation as a high-quality French instrumentation manufacturer.
A wider range of services
Newsteo offers temperature recorders for many sectors of activity, such as in pharmacy, medical and agrifood, which make it possible to ensure traceability of the cold chain and send real-time alerts in the event that set thresholds are surpassed. The requirements from standards and regulations applicable in these fields necessitates that measuring instruments undergo calibration initially at the time of purchase, and periodically thereafter.
Since 2015, the Newsteo metrology laboratory has already performed thousands of calibrations. Henceforth, the company will broaden the range of services it offers customers by proposing calibrations performed under its Cofrac accreditation.