Newsteo Partners
Newsteo is a hi-tech company, investing in innovation. Its expertise is recognized through its commitment to different clusters and participation in projects approved by them. In addition to its R&D team, Newsteo has released several partnerships with renowned universities and engineering schools.

Competitiveness clusters
Secured communicating solutions cluster
Newsteo is a member of the consortium developing the Smart Immo project, funded by the French state. The project objective is to reduce operating costs and energy consumption in commercial buildings by automating their operation.
Terralia Cluster
The TERRALIA Cluster forms part of an integrated ‘from seed to plate’ sectoral process for the three sectors concerned (seeds and plants, agricultural production, agri-food industry first and second-stage processing and distribution) with the European and global leaders present at all levels of the value chain.
Within the cluster, Newsteo highlights its wireless monitoring and traceability
Institutional partners
BPI France
Banque publique d’investissement (literally [French] Public Investment Bank) is a French investment bank. It was a joint venture of two public entity.
French minitry for Higher education and research
Every year, the National Contest for Innovative Technical Projects is organized by the French Ministry of Research.
Newsteo has won 2 times this contest: in 2005, in “Emergence” category and in 2006, in “Creation & Development” category.
PACA-EST Incubator
Located in both Sophia-Antipolis and Toulon sites, the PACA-EST INCUBATOR, formed by prestigious founders like CNRS, INSERM, INRA, Ecole des Mines, European Funds… accompanies Innovative Technical Projects carried by high-tech start-up.
Arrived at the end of its incubation in June 2007, Newsteo thus left the structure
PACA region
Newsteo is supported by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

European social fund
Newsteo is supported by the European Social Fund.
Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence
Newsteo is supported by Aix-Marseille Provence Métropole.
Partner schools
School of Engineering – Research laboratory Contactless Cards (Toulon – 83)
Polytech’Nice – Sophia
Device conceptual modeling (UPnP devices)
Université Marne la Vallée
Research laboratory
Université de Nice
Research Group
“Wearable Computer”