Project Description

The Balaguier veterinary office performs routine consultations on small pets (vaccines, care…) as well as surgical operations for more serious pathological problems.
Additional examinations can also be performed using biochemical analyses and digital radiography.
Particular attention is paid to the prevention and treatment of pain before, during and after surgery. The office defines animal welfare as its priority.
The veterinary office needed to know and be able to control the temperature inside the fridges located in the consultation rooms. Indeed, they contains thermo-sensitive vaccines which much be stored at a very precise temperature. The office was looking for a precise system, easy to set up and simple to use, without any constraint.
Therefore, Newsteo offered a LOM16 temperature data logger paired with the RF Monitor software for visualisation and collection of the data.

A data logger is placed in each fridge. It transfers by radio the measures taken. These are collected and centralized in the RF Monitor software.
The data is thus visible at a glance. Graphs show the temperature variation and a summary PDF report is directly sent by email each week. Alerts are set and sent if the temperature gets too high or too low, allowing you to react quickly in case a problem occurs.